Garrett Hopper
Assistant Professor
School of Renewable Natural Resources
Louisiana State University
Ph.D. Biology, Kansas State University
M.S. Biology, Kansas State University
B.S. Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Oklahoma State University
Jake Duhé
Graduate Research Assistant, M.S.
School of Renewable Natural Resources
Louisiana State University
My research focuses on stream fish community dynamics in relation to hydrological variability. Specifically, I am interested in hydrological disturbances such as drought and the effect disturbances have on habitat connectivity and stream fish community structure. I am also interested in how culverts, road crossings and other man-made structures influence the spatial dynamics of fish communities across time.
Madison Kuczek
Graduate Research Assistant, M.S.
School of Renewable Natural Resources
Louisiana State University
My research examines how mussel assemblage structure influences nutrient fluxes in the Bogue Chitto River, LA. I am using the framework of ecological stoichiometry to predict nutrient cycling and storage, and scaling mussel-mediated processes to the ecosystem level. Additionally, I aim to quantify growth patterns in dominant mussel species to better understand mussel life history traits.
Jennifer Haase
Undergraduate Student Researcher
School of Renewable Natural Resources
Louisiana State University
I’m completing an undergraduate research project investigating freshwater mussel and host fish species co-occurrences. Specifically, I’m interested in applying theoretical understandings of mussel and fish distributions throughout a stream gradient and across seasons. My project also compares co-occurrences I observe to established mussel-host fish relationships to investigate overlap.
Franchesca Ruiz
Undergraduate Student Researcher
ASPIRE Intern '24
School of Renewable Natural Resources
Louisiana State University
My undergraduate research focuses on assisting the lab with freshwater mussel surveys and measurements. I am currently composing a field guide for the freshwater mussels of Louisiana.